I get an e-mail once in a while
wanting to know how to make mobiles
This page explains some
of the basics about balance
It's really simple
It's all about physics
Part A needs to have the same weight as part B
Here you have more wire (or whatever you choose to use) on the right hand side
so the weight that you attach on the left side needs to be heavier
than the one that you attach on the right hand side
so that again part A has the same weight as part B
This next one seems more complex but it's still the exact same thing
Part A needs to have the same weight as part B
and then it goes on to the next lower level the exact same way
weight of part A = weight of part B
Don't weigh the parts or anything
to make sure it balances
The trick is that you build the mobile
from bottom to top
Find the balance point between the bottom two elements
Then you add the next element on top of that
and find the balance point between
the new element and the first two elements
and so on
Anything goes from here
Use whatever you want for weights
or to connect the pieces
The possibilities are infinte
I'll expand this section and explain mobile making and the different
aspects of it in more detail and with photos
soon as I have some more extra time
Until then, if you have any questions, not sure about
something, want to know how to make a certain mobile type
I'll be happy to help
To see some of my mobiles