Custom Made Mobile for the Movie “The Upside”
Custom designed / custom made mobile sculpture for the movie The Upside, in which it will be featured as part of the storyline (see the trailer). The movie, directed by Neil Burger and starring Bryan Cranston, Kevin Hart and Nicole Kidman, is scheduled to be released on January 11 2019.
The design was inspired by this mobile (is it a bird?) that I previously made (also one of my favorites):
Variations from the Design Process:
Three “wings” as shown in this 3D fly around animation:
Additional Variations from the Design Process:
– See photos of the mobile sculpture in the movie –
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Photos of Mobiles at the Mobile Show in Durham NC – Cyber Monday Sale
Photos by Carin Walsh of our 3D Printed Mobiles at The Mobile Show in Durham NC earlier this month:
The 3D printing company we use (Shapeways) has a cyber monday sale today (Nov 28 2016): Free shipping + 25% off your order with code SMALLBIZMONDAY via our shop.
9 Original Calder Works Coming to Auction for the First Time
A group of nine works by Alexander Calder will be sold at Christie’s Post-War and Contemporary Art Evening Auction in New York on May 10th 2016. All of them were made by Calder in 1955 while visiting Ambalal Sarabhai’s family estate in India. Calder spent three weeks at the secluded 20-acre estate, in a makeshift studio constructed in the garden with “a water-buffalo lady and a calf” for company, as he wrote in his book (Calder: An autobiography with pictures, 1966). This is the first time this group of Calder sculptures is coming to auction. Among the works to be auctioned:
Sumac #17
Hanging Mobile
Sheet metal, wire and paint
Inspired by the flowering plant of the same name
Estimated at US$4 million to US$6 million
[Update: Price Realized $5,765,000]
Related: Watch a 360-degree view of Calder’s large red mobile Sumac created in 1961.
How the visit to India came about, in Calder’s own words: “In 1954, I received a letter from a young Indian woman, Gira Sarabhai, youngest of eight children of a large wealthy family in Ahmedabad, which is somewhere halfway between Bombay and Delhi. She offered Louisa and me a trip to India, if I’d consent to make some objects for her when there. I immediately replied yes.”
Calder in India in 1955 (Louisa Calder, his wife, is seated atop the elephant):
Estimates range as high as US$10 million, with a total pre-sale estimate of around US$26 million to US$38 million.
Read The forgotten journey of Alexander Calder and view the e-Catalogue. Also see An Expert Look at Never-Before-Auctioned Alexander Calder Works and Mobile Revolution.
– Read more of my blog about mobiles or see some of my mobiles –
Photos of Large Atrium Sculpture (Kinetic Art Mobile) Installed
Photos of a large atrium sculpture (kinetic mobile) I custom designed, made and installed (via The Art Company) at the newly built Joint and Spine Center at the Christ Hospital in Cincinnati, OH, last month (August 2015):
I competed against 22 sculptors for the commission including Zaha Hadid.
– See the design proposals that I submitted –
The sculpture measures 33ft (10m) in height and 26ft (8m) in diameter.
The largest shape is 5 2/3 ft long (1 3/4 m), the longest arm measures 17 3/4 ft (5 1/2 m) in length.
Made of aluminum, the mobiles weighs only about 100 pounds (45kg).
Two photos from the Grand Opening Celebration on August 28th 2015:
Render animation of the 3D model of the mobile:
The hospital is located on a hilltop in historic Mt. Auburn above downtown Cincinnati. The view from the hospital’s rooftop garden:
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) designed the new Joint and Spine Center, the same architecture, interior design, engineering, and urban planning firm that also collaborated with Alexander Calder on numerous projects from the 1950s through the 1970s. A view from outside of the suspended sculpture in the atrium:
The 125 year old Christ Hospital is consistently recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of the nation’s top hospitals. Here’s an outside view of the newly built Joint and Spine Center with the atrium in which the sculpture is installed at the main entrance:
These are photos that I took myself. Professional photos should follow within a month. Here’s one by Tom Rossiter for Health Care Design Magazine:
Thanks to Mike Rainer of Mike’s Machine & Welding for assisting with the fabrication of the mobile.
– See more of my large mobile art –
Photos of a Large Mobile (33ft/10m) Suspended by a Crane for Adjustments
Photos of a large mobile (33ft/10m) suspended by a crane for adjustments, which turned out to be very minimal because the balance points and various alignments were calculated beforehand with engineering software. Most of the connections were precise and did not need any adjustments:
A photo of one of the sheet metal (aluminum) shapes before assembly for size comparison – this one is the top (highest) shape in the mobile:
– See the finished mobile installed or see more of my large mobiles –
Acclaimed film “Alexander Calder” finally available on DVD
Alexander Calder, a film by Roger Sherman, that aired originally as part of the “American Masters” series on PBS in 1998 is finally available on DVD. The acclaimed film shows Calder at work in his studio and never-before-seen archival films and photographs. It features interviews with Arthur Miller, Ellsworth Kelly, I.M. Pei, Brendan Gill, Marla Prather, David Ross, Calder’s daughters and grandson, Sandy Rower, and others.
Here’s a preview:
– Read the Utne Reader’s review –
– Available through First Run Features –
– Also available on –
Large Custom Calder-Style Mobile Installation in Buenos Aires
These are photos I recently received from a client. I made a 12 feet (3.5 meter) tall Calderesque mobile for his two story atrium. I previously posted photos of this mobile at a local park a day after it snowed. After taking those pictures, I disassembled the mobile and pack it small enough so that it could be taken onto an airplane. Then the mobile was reassembled on location in Buenos Aires by the client’s assistant, Jorge:
The shapes (paddles) had to be reattached and the new rivets needed to be painted.
Mini-pulley system for the roof designed by Jorge to raise the mobile:
The design of the mobile:
Measurements of the atrium:
The design of the mobile photoshopped into pictures of the space (the colors for the mobile had yet to be decided at this point):
Photos of the installed mobile:
From the client: “The mobile is truly beautiful! [It] lives up to our expectations – which were inordinately high! The wonderful thing we discovered is the full meaning of the word ‘mobile’. With the advent of winter, we have turned on the heat on occasion. What that causes is real movement — almost a revolution per minute as the warm air floats upward. At night, with the lights on, the shadows play across the wall as well. Beautiful!”
And for kicks, a local cafe in Buenos Aires around the corner from the residence where the mobile now is:
Read more of my blog about mobiles or see more of my large custom mobiles.
Drawing of a custom Calder-like mobile above a conference table
Just a drawing I just made for a custom Calder-like mobile above a conference table:
– See more of my custom mobiles or read more of my blog about mobiles –
Two Original Calder Mobiles for Sale on May 13th 2014
Christie’s Post-War and Contemporary Evening Sale on May 13th 2014 at Rockefeller Plaza in New York City will include two Calder mobiles, one hanging and one standing.
Poisson volant (Flying Fish)
hanging mobile
signed with initials and dated ‘CA 57’
24 x 89 x 40 in. (60.9 x 226 x 101.6 cm.)
From the collection of Edwin A. and Lindy (Betty) Bergman
Expected auction price $9,000,000 – $12,000,000
[Update: it sold for $25,925,000 tonight (May 13th 2014) – a new world auction record for Calder – bought by Xin Li on behalf of a Chinese client]
From the catalogue: Alexander Calder’s remarkable sculpture, Poisson volant (Flying Fish), amply demonstrates the breadth and diversity of the artist’s prolific career. The sleek black outline of the fish combined with the complex construction of animated elements that comprise the fish tail demonstrate the artist’s unique compositional ability, unsurpassed technical execution and sheer sense of joie de vivre in one memorable work. Although much of Calder’s work was defiantly non-referential, the fish motif was one that occurred throughout his life; from Steel Fish, one of the artist’s early standing mobiles he created in 1934, to the themed headboard he made for Peggy Guggenheim in 1945, and continuing with his large scale mobiles and stabiles, such as the present work and Yellow Whale created during the late 1950s, the symbolic nature of the fish seemed to encompass much of what Calder wanted to achieve in his unique brand of sculpture.
Dominated by its dramatic silhouette, Poisson volant skillfully combines the monumentality of Calder’s large-scale sculptures with the delicacy of his legendary mobiles. The striking appearance of the fish’s curved body is tempered by the hypnotic nature of the fish’s eye, which Calder beautifully fashions out of a tightly coiled piece of steel wire. The monumentality of the fish’s body is then tempered by the dramatic fourish of fishy tale — a highly dynamic collection of more than a dozen individuality fabricated and assembled elements, which, when moved by a passing breeze, spring into life with all the zeal of fish darting through the water. Working on both the vertical and horizontal plane, Poisson volant is one of Calder’s most complex works as both aesthetically and structurally, his arrangement of elements work together to produce an effect that delights and amazes as it becomes a symphony of movement and joy.
By taking the fish as his subject matter, Calder is building on a custom that dates back to the very earliest days of human civilization. The fish has acquired an important role in many of the world’s great faiths and religions. In the West, the earliest use of the fish as a symbolic object was made by the Christian theologian Clement of Alexandria (born circa 150) who encouraged his readers to place the image of a fish in their personal seals. The origin of the fish’s status in the Christian faith has been traced
back to the miracle of the Feeding of the Five Thousand (the only miracle to appear in all four Gospels) in which Jesus feeds a large crowd of people with just five loaves and two fish. In the Eastern tradition, the fish is one of the eight Buddhist symbols of good fortune, and in many faiths acts as a representation of abundance and wealth. Linked to the idea that water is the giver of life, the fish has become associated with sustenance and nourishment and also linked to health, wealth and prosperity.
But for Calder, the fish was symbolic of the serene and graceful movement that he was trying to emulate in his work. After centuries of being constrained by its static traditions, Calder wanted to release sculpture from these confines and introduce a fourth dimension to the work—that of movement. The resulting body of work, of which this piece is arguably one of the most accomplished examples, gave Calder the opportunity to fully explore the kinetic possibilities of sculpture and produce three-dimensional worlds that were in constant fux. As he once said, “A mobile is a feisty thing and seldom stays tranquilly in one place. …A mobile in motion leaves an individual wake behind it , or rather, each element leaves an individual wake behind its individual self. Sometimes these wakes are contracted within each other, and sometimes they are deployed” (A. Calder, quoted by M. Prather, Alexander Calder 1898-1976, Washington, 1998, p. 137).
He first began to explore the aesthetic possibilities of the fish form in 1929 with his exquisitely delicate work, Goldfsh Bowl. By 1934, it appeared again in his large-scale sculptures, and in the summer of that year, buoyed by the warm temperatures and his recent move to an old farmhouse he’d purchased in Connecticut, Calder produced a monumental outdoor sculpture called Steel Fish. Many of these early complex constructions coincide with the organic imagery of Joan Miró and Paul Klee. Calder and Miró formed a lifelong friendship after the pair first met in Paris in 1928 and lasted until Calder’s death in 1976. But as Miró’s work became more symbolic, Calder’s became more abstract. Although his piscine forms were making more frequent appearances in his oeuvre, these pieces often merely allude to forms without following them implicitly. When these new works were shown at the Pierre Matisse Gallery in New York in 1937, a critic asked Calder to define the significance of these new organic forms. He replied, “I don’t really think that the thing can be reduced to a formula. Each thing I make has, according to its degrees of success, a plastic quality, which includes many things… These things may be related, and doubtless are, but I have formed no theories about the relation. An idea which will lead me to make a new ‘object’ may come from almost anywhere, from anything” (A. Calder, quoted in M. Prather, Alexander Calder 1898-1976, Washington, 1998, p. 138).
Calder’s use of this form was to reach a wider audience when, in 1939, he was commissioned by the Museum of Modern Art to produce a work for their new building in New York. The result was the spectacular Lobster Trap and Fish Tail. This consisted of a cascade of black organic elements that would become one of his trademark arrangements, and along with a wire cage-like trap and a bright red lure, this work was his largest hanging mobile to date—and the commission that launched Calder’s career as a publicly known artist. The success of Lobster Trap and Fish Tail also meant that Calder had become a critical, as well as a commercial success. Four years later, when the Museum of Modern Art staged a retrospective of his work, he became the youngest artist ever to have been accorded the honor, an event that was to propel him into the ranks of America’s most influential living artists.
Although the fish form proved to be the perfect vehicle for enabling him to express his interest in the spontaneity and kinetic nature of his sculpture, it also enabled him to indulge in the whimsical and more intimate side of his work. In the winter of 1945-46, Peggy Guggenheim, the socialite and art collector, commissioned Calder to make her a silver headboard for her apartment in New York. Calder chose to craft for her a magical, shimmering depiction of an underwater garden. He included two simple fish motifs in the bottom left of the work, closest to where Peggy Guggenheim would have entered the room. In an added touch of whimsy, the fish were not part of the work itself, but attached to it by thin wires, which meant that they would move and shimmer with every gust of wind or each time someone entered or left the room. Peggy Guggenheim became particularly fond of Calder’s work containing his fish motif. A large, fish mobile hung in the drawing room of her apartment and often became a talking point during her glamorous cocktail parties.
Perhaps fittingly, the piscine motif that had been so central to almost half a century of Calder’s work is also the key theme in one of Calder’s final commissions. Untitled (1976) is a large mobile specially made for the Trustees of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. to hang in the atrium of their new East Building. It is comprised of a majestic collection of black, red and blue forms suspended below a shimmering glass ceiling; the effect of the sunlight bouncing off these gently moving multicolored forms evokes the sight of tropical fish swimming in shallow pools of sun-drenched water. Of all of Calder’s forms, in terms of its size, complexity and sheer delight, Poisson volant is clearly one of the most accomplished sculptures of his career. Its monumental size and graceful and majestic movement is a supreme example of Calder’s skill not just as an engineer, but also as an artist who took a thousand years of sculptural tradition and turned it upside down, and in doing so created some of the most innovative and influential works of the past one hundred years. As the artist himself once said “When everything goes right, a mobile is a piece of poetry that dances with the joy of life and surprises” (A. Calder, Calder, London, 2004, p. 261).
Also for sale:
standing mobile
Expected auction price $900,000 – $1,200,000
Designs for large custom mobiles for a two story lobby
Designs for large custom mobiles for a two story lobby in Houston, TX – The client requested a Calder-style mobile that would help create a modern, classy, airy feeling:
Design 1:
In red and black, a classic Calder combination:
Again, in red and black:
Design 2:
First floor perspective:
Design 3 – inspired by the shapes on a rug that will be in the lobby:
Design 4 – Showing a different type of mobile structure with a mid-century modern art design element to it:
[Update: The client picked “Design 2” – see photos of the finished and installed mobile]
– Or see more of my other custom mobiles –