Custom hanging mobile

For all the elements of the mobile to rotate freely, and the

mobile going down to the main floor (being visible from the

living room), the mobile would need to be about twice as

tall as it would be wide. Here’s the space (indicated in red)

that I see available to the mobile:

large custom ceiling mobile

big custom stairway mobile

It would be about 10 feet tall and about 5 feet wide (leaving at least 7 feet from the floor of the

main floor, at least 7 inches space to the walls, and at least one foot space to the ceiling on the

2nd floor).

Following are some ideas about what we could do with that space. Several hanging mobiles

in the photos you sent me have one or two branches, meaning the hanging mobile splits up into two or three

parts. While we could do this here, it would mean that the elements/pieces in the hanging mobile would have

to be rather small, since the mobile needs to be tall and somewhat narrow. I used the same colors as in

the photos you sent me, but they can be changed to whatever colors you pick. Look the ideas over and

let me know what you think, and we’ll take it from there.

Idea #1:

This one is similar to the first photo you sent me.

Each element in this one can rotate independently.

illustration of custom hanging mobile design

Idea #2:

This one would be more like a hanging sculpture as the separate

elements can not rotate independently from each other. However the piece

as a whole can rotate.

drawing of custom modern art mobile design - interior or exterior

Idea #3:

Similar to idea #2 but with circles. The whole piece can

rotate but not each element by itself.

design of a custom calder mobile

Idea #4:

My “Mobile 74” (following picture) is about twice as tall

as it is wide and would work great with the space available here.

I could make a bigger version of it, 10 feet tall, 5 feet wide, maybe add

some more pieces. Each element in this one can rotate independently.

model for a large custom modern mobile art installation

Here’s a drawing of a custom variation with the same colors and a

bigger circle instead of a bigger square:

drawing of a large custom hanging art mobile

Mobile 62 and 77 (two following pictures) have the same basic structure and show

a couple more variations on the idea. Both of those could be stretched

out to 10′ by 5′ and additional custom elements could be added too.

model for a large modern art hanging mobile

contemporary art mobile

Idea #5:

Same goes for my “Mobile 68”, about twice as tall

as wide, and would work great as a custom 10’x5′ version with

the space available. The whole piece can rotate but

not each element by itself, except for the bottom three.

custom hanging mobile

Same thing with some colors:

custom hanging mobiles

Idea #6:

“Mobile 78” (following picture) could be stretched taller with

more custom elements added.

custom hanging mobile

Each element can rotate independently, so sometimes it can look like this:

custom hanging mobiles

Here’s a custom possibility with a circle added in the middle:

design for a large custom hanging mobile - 1960s design


See more large custom hanging mobiles

Copyright © 2025 Marco Mahler